Kamper spilles på kun én bane om gangen...
Kamp 1 på bane 1, Kamp 2 på bane 2, Kamp 3 på bane 1, osv. Oppvarming pågår på banen det ikke spilles kamp på.
Skilleveggen holdes oppe slik at man har tilgang til begge banene uten å måtte forlate hallflaten.
Game shoes may not be used outside of the field area and changing rooms at any time during the event. Shoes used for game play are to be used exclusively on the fields and in the changing rooms.
After games, or anytime you leave the field area, you must change your shoes before you leave the changing room to go into the outer hallway. TIP: BRING A THIRD PAIR OF SHOES (E.G. SLIPPERS) TO AVOID HAVING TO WEAR WINTER BOOTS BETWEEN GAMES.
Outdoor shoes are not allowed in the changing rooms. They must be removed in the entrance to the changing rooms.
No food on or around the field.
Only water allowed around the field and sidelines.